Newsletter: 5 Ways to Turn Your Partners Into Promoters 📣 ; Cause Marketing from Around the World: Silly Socks 🌏 ; The Nonprofit That is Building an Audience on OnlyFans 🤭

Yowza! 🤩

We've gotten some great questions for our Cause Docs clinic tomorrow, Thursday, October 28th at 2pm EDT. Joining us are Philips McCarty and Charisse Brown Marcus from the social impact consultancy Good Scout.

They'll be answering all your questions on how to effectively grow your partnership team.

Here are just a few of the questions Phil and Charisse will be answering.

  • What tips do you have for making the business case internally for growing the team?

  • How can we structure our team to drive more collaboration while still encouraging individual fundraising goals?

  • What's the best way to maximize a two-person partnership team?

  • In addition to adding bodies, how do you develop talent and help your team with career pathing & growth opportunities?

What's your question for Phil and Charisse on growing your partnership team so you can close more deals?

Don't miss your appointment with the Cause Docs! Register (It's FREE)

✍️ Partnership Notes

1. When selling partnerships, sometimes you can be too helpful.

2. Five ways to turn a partner into a promoter. This is critical. It costs five times more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing one.

3. Cause marketing from around the world! McDonald's in Australia are selling 'Silly Socks' 🧦 of Hamburglar, Grimace and Ronald McDonald to support RMHC.

🤑 Marketing Your Cause

1. When this museum's NSFW art was blocked on social media sites, they teamed up with OnlyFans. Now people pay them $4.99 a month to view explicit art!

2. 10 nonprofit newsletter ideas and examples to save for later. I really like the example of how Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative (Y2Y) uses curation in their newsletter. ServeMinnesota, a client of mine, also uses curation in their bi-weekly newsletter!

3. The riches are in the niches. A good lesson from our friends in the association world!

😎 Cool Jobs in Cause

1. Marketing Manager - Partnerships, First Book, Washington, DC ($54k - $72k)

2. Corporate Relations Manager, Salvation Army, Alexandria, VA ($60k - $78k)

3. Coordinator Corporate Partnerships, Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO

4. National Manager, Partner Relationships, JDRF International, Detroit

5. Director of Corporate Partner Engagement, Atlantic Council, Washington, DC

6. Associate, Corporate Partnerships, Share Our Strength, Remote ($40k - $50k)

Do you have a partnership position you are trying to fill? Hit reply and share the job posting with me! I'm happy to post it here for FREE.

🧠🍌 Brain Food

1. How to find your purpose in this world by becoming a solutionary.

2. How to prepare donor data reports for your board members.

3. Every October I only read horror/ghost stories.👻📚 I call it my month of horrible reading! So far I've read A House of Ghosts and The Only Good Indians. I'm currently reading Usher's Passing and will read Carrie next. What are you reading for Halloween?

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      Newsletter: Macy’s ‘Believe’ Campaign is a Masterclass in Cause Marketing📮; Legal Considerations When Working with Influencers ⚖️ ; Robert Reich Thinks CSR is Bullshit 🐂 💩


      Newsletter: How to Grow Your Partnership Team 📈 ; Should Nonprofits Be Making More Merch? 🧢 ; What’s Behind Those Red Flag Emojis on Social Media? 🚩